Sunday, January 24, 2010

So much for keeping up with the blog!

Well, my initial goal of keeping up with a blog that would let those who cared keep up with what is going on in our little world just didn't work out! Life since Hank was born has been hectic, to say the least. Life is finally starting to fall into a rhythm. Even so, I know that a faithful updating here is not going to happen, but for now, here is an update:

Reese has finally started to talk. And she won't shut up! Right now she is repeating over and over "cuh-ring" ("coloring") as she sits in the floor and draws with her left hand. Everything that has writing on it is "cuh-ring" and if you ask what color is it she says pink. She would rather be watching "Cat n Hat" right now but she is grounded from her DVDs. Grounded at 22 months, you say? Yup grounded. That is what happens after the 6th time of playing in the houseplants and getting potting soil on EVERYTHING. Punishments progress with each time the next discipline getting explained. She was told that her movies would be taken away. She tested me. Cat in the Hat, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Yo! Gabba Gabba and all the others now live on the top of my closet. That's how it goes. She hasn't been back in the plants in 24 hours. Lesson learned? Probably not, but at least I haven't had to wash the baseboards today!

Hank is the sweetest little 6 month old that has ever been. I think this is because he knows he has to be since Reese is a limit-tester to the extreme. He is starting to sit up and to get up on all 4's. He will be crawling before he is 7 months. He is about as laid back as they come. He also is huge. I don't know exactly how big - he hasn't been for his 6 month check-up yet because he got off schedule last time when he had to wait to get his shots because he had another ear infection. But we had to go to the minor med on New Years Eve because he was running a fever and I was worried the ear infection had come back (it hadn't) and he weighed almost 17 lbs! I don't think Reese weighed 17 lbs at her 12 month check up!

Work has been keeping me busy. I'm still only going in 2 days a week, but trying to get the things done on my days at home that I need done is not working out like I would like. I am running out of hours each day to try to get in my work, my housework, and personal errands done. It is just not happening.

On a somewhat related note, we have joined Hope Presbyterian. I say related because right now the sermon series is aimed at helping to deal with these problems (well not directly, but this is what i am taking from it!) I finally feel like we have a church home and am praying that God help me find the hours in each day to get more involved.

I must admit the only reason I am on here today is because Drew's Aunt Rita has started a blog to help "keep her honest" as she has set out on a year long goal to make 5000 pairs of shorts for the children of Haiti. Her goal is 100 pairs a day. It really puts things in perspective for me. I am trying to find 20 minutes to take a bath to have some quiet time...she is devoting a substantial part of the next year to doing something totally selfless.

Hank is waking up from his nap... as if he knows that i have had time to myself!