Monday, February 23, 2009

A brother for Reese

It is a boy!!! I will get pictures posted later, but the ultrasound today was clear - - Henry Peyton Womack will be here in July. We told our families tonight and they were all so excited. This is the first boy on the Bing side of the family since Timothy was born 24 years ago and the first boy on the Womack side since Derek! The girl streak is broken.

Reese is pretty happy. When you ask her to say "Hank," she just laughs. She thinks it is the funniest word. I just know she is going to be a great big sister.

Drew is leaving at 4:30 in the morning to go to Wyoming for the week - - it will be the longest he has been away from Reese. I am leaving on Friday to go to New Orleans for the weekend and it will be the longest I've been away from her -- so we are having a big week.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Congratulations - I am so excited for all of you. I can't wait to meet little Hank!