Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Plague

Every member of my extended family has been stricken with the worst stomach virus ever. We thought it has passed over our house, but this morning, Reese woke up throwing up. I have never seen her this miserable. I put her in the bath tub, her most favorite thing in the world, and she just sat there with her little head down and didn't even flinch when I washed her face (her least favorite thing).

I can't seem to make her better and it breaks my heart. The worst part is that if I get this as bad as everyone else has had it, I could very well end up in the hospital since I am pregnant. I am just praying that doesn't happen and that the nausea I feel right now is just because my house smells like vomit.


Ashley said...

Oh no - tell her that Carter says to feel better soon. You take care and don't catch it!

Laura said...

Yikes! I hope that everyone's better soon! We had one of those go through our house last year when I was seven or eight months pregnant. I couldn't keep anything down and was in bed for at least three days. My doctor prescribed Zofran for me, and it truly is a wonder drug! It helped me keep some fluids down and kept me out of the hospital! If you get sick, ask for it immediately!