Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So, we are at week one of potty training Reese.  I had just finished saying how I didn't expect to even start trying until after preschool started for the year and she was able to watch other kids.  Two weeks ago, she refused to sit on the potty and had no interest in it at all.  Now, she loves wearing panties and gets so excited when she keeps them dry.

I have purchased one pack of Pull-Ups - her Dora panties.  They will be used when we plan to go out in public for more than a couple of hours.  The rest of the time she will be in regular panties and in her "nite-nite panties" for naps and bedtime.  These consist of the thicker training pants type underwear and a pair of rubber pants. 

If the rubber pants were not the largest, bulkiest things I have ever seen in my life, she would wear them in lieu of Pull-Ups when we go out.  But the get the job done at bedtime.  I have ordered some off the internet that look like they may be a better fit, but they have not arrived yet.

I say all this because in my search for better fitting rubber pants, I have been amazed at the comments by parents (mainly moms) with regards to some of the products I searched.  There were numerous negative comments about the Gerber rubber pants (the giant ones) because they were messy.  No kidding.  They aren't diapers.  There is going to be a little mess. 

Almost all of the brands I looked at though had at least one negative comment in common:  They don't hold as much as a Pull-Up.

Are you kidding me??? Really??? Listen, if you are going to use a Pull-Up as a diaper, just stay in diapers.    Why go through the expense of Pull-Ups?  I know why.  Because it is easier.  Potty training is life consuming.

I'll be honest, I don't particularly enjoy having to ask Reese every 20 minutes to sit on the potty and then sit there with her for 15 minutes until she goes, but if I just left her in a Pull-Up and only took her to the bathroom when I thought about it or it was convenient for me, she would never get potty trained. 

Of course, theses are probably the same parents who put Coke in their 3 year old's bottle.  I don't know why I am surprised.  I know they are out there.  I just can't believe they are giving negative feedback on a product, not because of the product's defectiveness, but because of their laziness. 

You want to know what's wrong with kids today?  It is their parents!


Amy Flaherty said...

WOW. I'm impressed with the length and passion of your post about potty training in rubber pants. Who would have thought it 10 years ago??:) Love you:)

Andrea said...

I know, right? Nothing like poppin' out a couple of kids in a couple of years to change your perspective!!!

Unknown said...

OMG I Love You both you should have a reality show, the Amy and Andrea hour!!!!!