Where have the last few months gone? I wish I knew. Its like I woke up one morning (in our new king-sized bed, no less) and it was spring, Reese is 2 and talking and Hank is so close to walking that I've already got a bag ready for our first trip to the e.r.!
Despite only working two days a week (in the office, that is) somehow my days are over before they start. I am hoping now that preschool is out for the summer, I will recover a few hours each week to be able to once again, keep up with my blog. One would think that having a 2 year old go to preschool 2 days a week would actually create time - one would be wrong! Basically I had between 10 and 2 each day to clean the house, run an errands that had to be run, feed and care for Hank, check and respond to all work emails and all work that flows from that...ok, when I type it all out it doesn't sound like much, but it is!
The kids are doing great. Reese won't be quiet and Hank is perpetually in a good mood. My sister-in-law, Amy, has started a blog that I am going to start contributing to, so make sure you check there for updates on us: http://www.everydayisanadventure.net/
I think this photo is precious. Your kids are just adorable. Hang on tight, they grow up fast.
Yes, they do! It blows my mind to think that my little Henry-Boy is already 10 months old. I really don't know where the year went.
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