Monday, March 16, 2009

1st Birthday Party

We had Reese's 1st birthday party yesterday. Her birthday isn't until Thursday, but with grandparents that live out of town and a huge wedding weekend next week, yesterday was the best day.

I was worried that she would be in a bad mood, not nap or just that something would go wrong, but it was perfect. She was precious. She picked at the icing off her cupcake and didn't even try to take off her party hat! Before she ate her cupcake, she even put her hands together to say her prayrers!!! She wasn't too interested in opening the thousands of presents she received, but she loved playing with them. Her favorites are some pots and pans that Nana and Granddaddy got her for her kitchen and a Mickey Mouse ride/push along airplane from Uncle Tim, Aunt Amy and Audrey. She really likes her purple tricycle from Mimi and Papa, too.

We had so much fun. I am so proud of her. I couldn't have asked for a better little girl!

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