Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time Flies

I can't believe it, but I am half way through this pregnancy! I am feeling Hank's movements more and more each day and am beginning to think that he is going to be as active as Reese was (and still is for that matter!). I have been feeling pretty good the last couple of weeks.

This past weekend, I left Reese for the first time. I went to New Orleans for a bachelorette party. I had a great time, but I missed her so much. Drew had been in Wyoming since Tuesday and didn't make it home until Saturday. I left Friday and came back on Sunday. Mimi (Drew's mom) came to stay with Reese on Friday night. It was her first time to watch Reese by herself. I think they both had the best time.

When I got home, I learned that Mimi had brought some things for Hank - - some new little outfits and some of Drew's baby clothes! They are all so cute. I can't wait to start planning the nursery, but right now, the top priority is Reese's first birthday party. I think that is what I will work on tomorrow...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I saw your blogspot site listed on facebook and just wanted to say you do so great with keeping it updated:) I have one as well, feel free to look at anytime (but I will go ahead and tell you that you post waaaay more often than I do, but I am trying to do better:)