Saturday, March 28, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Things have been pretty busy around here lately. Last weekend was Chasity and Jay's wedding. Then, last week we got a new car which resulted in me and Drew finally getting MS driver's licenses, MS car tags and applying for our homestead exemption - - none of which was done at the same place...lots of driving.

I also had a doctor's appointment. Things look good. My weight gain is on the same pace as it was with Reese. I have my gestational diabetes test at my appointment in April. UUGGGHHGH!

Reese had her one year check-up this past week, also. She is healthy as a horse. She weighs 20 lbs, 11 oz and is 29 1/4 inches tall (which means she has grown exactly 10 inches in a year!!!)

This last week has really been the beginning of her being very snotty. She is throwing little fits and not always acting like the sweet little girl that I know she can be. If this is the beginning of the terrible twos then we have a long road ahead of us!!!

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