So, having that second child has taken a little more of my time than I had anticipated and so to say I have neglected the blog is an understatement. But, in my defense, not only was Hank born, but in August, my grandparents were in an accident which resulted in my grandfather being killed and ulimately, led to my grandmother's passing last week. Things here have not been "normal" since a couple of days before Hank was born.
All that said, things are ok. Hank was born on July 11th after making a dramatic entrance into this world - - I was at the hospital less than 30 minutes before he was born! He is growing like a weed and is probably 15 lbs already.
He has a sweet disposition and is very much a cuddle monkey. He is also all boy - farting all the time!
Reese has started preschool. The first three weeks, she did not like it. She cried when I left and cried when I picked her up. Now, she loves it though. She literally pulls me through the halls at school to get to her classroom.
She is talking more now. "Hank" is her favorite word - it has replaced "hot" as the most spoken word each day.
We have joined Hope Presbytryrian Church and very excited about it. From the first time we went, we have felt like it was meant to be our church home.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Nursery...Part II
Finally, it is all coming together. Things have been super busy around here (and the days that aren't, it takes all I have to just sit on the couch!) This 95+ degree weather is killing me! At least we have the pool - though it is the temperature of bath water!
The nursery is almost complete. I still have a few little accessories to add, but overall, it is done!
We went and got Hank an outfit to wear home from the hospital (or at least to have his picture made in at the hospital) today. We went to Janie & Jack and Drew had a field day (luckily, they are having their BIG sale right now.) Their line of boy clothes are right up Drew's alley! We ended up spending close to $200 and only about $50 of it was on Reese! But, Hank does have some cute clothes now. I can't wait to see him in them.
The nursery is almost complete. I still have a few little accessories to add, but overall, it is done!
We went and got Hank an outfit to wear home from the hospital (or at least to have his picture made in at the hospital) today. We went to Janie & Jack and Drew had a field day (luckily, they are having their BIG sale right now.) Their line of boy clothes are right up Drew's alley! We ended up spending close to $200 and only about $50 of it was on Reese! But, Hank does have some cute clothes now. I can't wait to see him in them.
Reese had her 15 month check up last week. She is very healthy and has grown like a weed! She went from being in the 40th percentile for height to the 70th (almost 32" tall!)! She is still in the 50th percentile for weight (at about 22.5 pounds). She still refuses to talk, but has definitely master fit throwing!
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Nursery...Part I
The nursery is starting to come together. Drew really wanted a Vols nursery, but I couldn't bring myself to an all orange room with the commercial crib bedding sets out there. So, I set out to make an understated Big Orange room (if that is possible). The crib bedding was definitely the hardest part. I didn't have a pattern, so needless to say, the seam-ripper was used quite a bit during this little project.
The mobile has little Smokies and plays "Rocky Top!"
The stripes on the walls turned out to be more difficult than anticipated, too. The white paint pealed off when I removed the tap so I had to sand the stripes and start over!
My favorite part, though, is the picture. I bought Reese an antique framed print for her nursery and so when I found this print at Tennessee Sports Zone, I didn't hesitate. It is titled "Breakfast of Champions" and has all the SEC mascots in Smokey's bowl! I love it!
Once I get the rest of the furniture in the room and get the art on the walls, I think the room is going to be perfect!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Hank in 3D

I went yesterday and had a 3D/4D ultrasound done at the doctor's office. We got some great pictures of Hank. He was very cooperative and kept making some great facial expressions (some of them I am convinced he somehow has learned from his sister!)
He is a big baby with an even bigger head (though that seems to run in the family!) He is definitely a boy, though we were not able to get any 3D "money shots" - much to the dismay of his dad and granddaddy.
However, when we got home, the video would not play, so I had to call them this morning and we got to go back to do another one. He was not as cooperative today - - he was all balled up with his feet at his head. We did get about 10 good minutes on the video of his face before he decided that his arm should rest across his nose.
It is so amazing what technology can do!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
Things have been pretty busy around here lately. Last weekend was Chasity and Jay's wedding. Then, last week we got a new car which resulted in me and Drew finally getting MS driver's licenses, MS car tags and applying for our homestead exemption - - none of which was done at the same place...lots of driving.
I also had a doctor's appointment. Things look good. My weight gain is on the same pace as it was with Reese. I have my gestational diabetes test at my appointment in April. UUGGGHHGH!
Reese had her one year check-up this past week, also. She is healthy as a horse. She weighs 20 lbs, 11 oz and is 29 1/4 inches tall (which means she has grown exactly 10 inches in a year!!!)
This last week has really been the beginning of her being very snotty. She is throwing little fits and not always acting like the sweet little girl that I know she can be. If this is the beginning of the terrible twos then we have a long road ahead of us!!!
I also had a doctor's appointment. Things look good. My weight gain is on the same pace as it was with Reese. I have my gestational diabetes test at my appointment in April. UUGGGHHGH!
Reese had her one year check-up this past week, also. She is healthy as a horse. She weighs 20 lbs, 11 oz and is 29 1/4 inches tall (which means she has grown exactly 10 inches in a year!!!)
This last week has really been the beginning of her being very snotty. She is throwing little fits and not always acting like the sweet little girl that I know she can be. If this is the beginning of the terrible twos then we have a long road ahead of us!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
1st Birthday Party
We had Reese's 1st birthday party yesterday. Her birthday isn't until Thursday, but with grandparents that live out of town and a huge wedding weekend next week, yesterday was the best day.
I was worried that she would be in a bad mood, not nap or just that something would go wrong, but it was perfect. She was precious. She picked at the icing off her cupcake and didn't even try to take off her party hat! Before she ate her cupcake, she even put her hands together to say her prayrers!!! She wasn't too interested in opening the thousands of presents she received, but she loved playing with them. Her favorites are some pots and pans that Nana and Granddaddy got her for her kitchen and a Mickey Mouse ride/push along airplane from Uncle Tim, Aunt Amy and Audrey. She really likes her purple tricycle from Mimi and Papa, too.
We had so much fun. I am so proud of her. I couldn't have asked for a better little girl!
I was worried that she would be in a bad mood, not nap or just that something would go wrong, but it was perfect. She was precious. She picked at the icing off her cupcake and didn't even try to take off her party hat! Before she ate her cupcake, she even put her hands together to say her prayrers!!! She wasn't too interested in opening the thousands of presents she received, but she loved playing with them. Her favorites are some pots and pans that Nana and Granddaddy got her for her kitchen and a Mickey Mouse ride/push along airplane from Uncle Tim, Aunt Amy and Audrey. She really likes her purple tricycle from Mimi and Papa, too.
We had so much fun. I am so proud of her. I couldn't have asked for a better little girl!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Time Flies
I can't believe it, but I am half way through this pregnancy! I am feeling Hank's movements more and more each day and am beginning to think that he is going to be as active as Reese was (and still is for that matter!). I have been feeling pretty good the last couple of weeks.
This past weekend, I left Reese for the first time. I went to New Orleans for a bachelorette party. I had a great time, but I missed her so much. Drew had been in Wyoming since Tuesday and didn't make it home until Saturday. I left Friday and came back on Sunday. Mimi (Drew's mom) came to stay with Reese on Friday night. It was her first time to watch Reese by herself. I think they both had the best time.
When I got home, I learned that Mimi had brought some things for Hank - - some new little outfits and some of Drew's baby clothes! They are all so cute. I can't wait to start planning the nursery, but right now, the top priority is Reese's first birthday party. I think that is what I will work on tomorrow...
This past weekend, I left Reese for the first time. I went to New Orleans for a bachelorette party. I had a great time, but I missed her so much. Drew had been in Wyoming since Tuesday and didn't make it home until Saturday. I left Friday and came back on Sunday. Mimi (Drew's mom) came to stay with Reese on Friday night. It was her first time to watch Reese by herself. I think they both had the best time.
When I got home, I learned that Mimi had brought some things for Hank - - some new little outfits and some of Drew's baby clothes! They are all so cute. I can't wait to start planning the nursery, but right now, the top priority is Reese's first birthday party. I think that is what I will work on tomorrow...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
A brother for Reese
It is a boy!!! I will get pictures posted later, but the ultrasound today was clear - - Henry Peyton Womack will be here in July. We told our families tonight and they were all so excited. This is the first boy on the Bing side of the family since Timothy was born 24 years ago and the first boy on the Womack side since Derek! The girl streak is broken.
Reese is pretty happy. When you ask her to say "Hank," she just laughs. She thinks it is the funniest word. I just know she is going to be a great big sister.
Drew is leaving at 4:30 in the morning to go to Wyoming for the week - - it will be the longest he has been away from Reese. I am leaving on Friday to go to New Orleans for the weekend and it will be the longest I've been away from her -- so we are having a big week.
Reese is pretty happy. When you ask her to say "Hank," she just laughs. She thinks it is the funniest word. I just know she is going to be a great big sister.
Drew is leaving at 4:30 in the morning to go to Wyoming for the week - - it will be the longest he has been away from Reese. I am leaving on Friday to go to New Orleans for the weekend and it will be the longest I've been away from her -- so we are having a big week.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Big Day
18 weeks today. This pregnancy has flown by. On Monday, we go for our ultrasound to hopefully find out what this new little booger is! We still don't know what we will name the baby if it is girl. I just can't wait to find out either way!
Today I argued my first case before the Tennessee Court of Appeals. It was very exciting. I don't know if they agreed with me, but I do believe I did my best and that I did just as good of a job as any attorney.
Today I argued my first case before the Tennessee Court of Appeals. It was very exciting. I don't know if they agreed with me, but I do believe I did my best and that I did just as good of a job as any attorney.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Slow road back
Reese was finally starting to feel better on Thursday, but I felt sick all day. I couldn't tell if it was just being pregnant or if it was about to hit. And then at 10:00 p.m. it hit. At some point that night, Drew got it, too. It was miserable. By Friday evening, Drew was able to walk around. I didn't accomplish that feat until last night, and even then, it lasted only about 15 minutes. However, today, I am finally able to move around. I think I will be able to eat something more than chicken broth.
The worst part is that Drew's mom, who came to take care of Reese, got sick last night. She said she was ok to go home this morning, but I still feel terrible that she got it, too.
The worst part is that Drew's mom, who came to take care of Reese, got sick last night. She said she was ok to go home this morning, but I still feel terrible that she got it, too.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Plague
Every member of my extended family has been stricken with the worst stomach virus ever. We thought it has passed over our house, but this morning, Reese woke up throwing up. I have never seen her this miserable. I put her in the bath tub, her most favorite thing in the world, and she just sat there with her little head down and didn't even flinch when I washed her face (her least favorite thing).
I can't seem to make her better and it breaks my heart. The worst part is that if I get this as bad as everyone else has had it, I could very well end up in the hospital since I am pregnant. I am just praying that doesn't happen and that the nausea I feel right now is just because my house smells like vomit.
I can't seem to make her better and it breaks my heart. The worst part is that if I get this as bad as everyone else has had it, I could very well end up in the hospital since I am pregnant. I am just praying that doesn't happen and that the nausea I feel right now is just because my house smells like vomit.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Videos of Reese walking
I uploaded some videos of Reese walking and playing and dancing (a little). If you scroll down to the bottom, the first video is one of them. For some reason, the second isn't showing up down there, but you can go to youtube to see it.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Week 15 Dr.'s Appt.
I had my 15 week appointment yesterday. Everything was great. Got to hear the strong little heartbeat. I go back on the 23rd of February and will have the quad screen test and have the "big" ultrasound - - the one where we find out the sex of this baby! We are so excited.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Well, Reese fell of the bed again on Sunday. The last time she did it, the dog bed was still on the floor which cushioned her fall. This time, however, she landed head first on the hardwood. She cried and cried. Within minutes she had a huge knot on her head. But, she took a little nap and woke up happy as ever! Normally, in the morning, when I bring her into bed with me, I am able to catch her if she starts heading to the edge. This time, no such luck! Poor thing.
I had my ultrasound on Friday. All we know is that this new baby is either a boy or a girl! All kidding aside, we do know that the baby has a strong heartbeat and all its little fingers and toes, which is all that matters! It was just too early, though, to tell what the sex is. We should find out in late February though. I can't wait!
I had my ultrasound on Friday. All we know is that this new baby is either a boy or a girl! All kidding aside, we do know that the baby has a strong heartbeat and all its little fingers and toes, which is all that matters! It was just too early, though, to tell what the sex is. We should find out in late February though. I can't wait!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Where to begin?
Reese turned 10 months old on Monday and has started walking! Last night she went about 8 feet! I can't believe how fast she is growing. She pretty much refuses to eat baby food. She loves hot dogs and carrots. She hates Cheerios. She says "bye-bye" and gives the best kisses in the whole world. I am so proud of the little person she is becoming.
As for the new baby, I am 14 weeks. I am going for a "fun" ultrasound tomorrow. I am actually going to be an ultrasound "model", and it is not at my doctor's office, so it is just so I can see the little one. There is a chance we will be able to tell what the baby is, but I am not putting much hope into that - - it is still a little early, and if this one is anything like Reese, we won't get any cooperation out of it!
The last week or so, I have started to feel better. No more days of thinking that the nausea would never end. I still don't feel great, but not having to depend on medication to get me through the day is wonderful!!!
Reese turned 10 months old on Monday and has started walking! Last night she went about 8 feet! I can't believe how fast she is growing. She pretty much refuses to eat baby food. She loves hot dogs and carrots. She hates Cheerios. She says "bye-bye" and gives the best kisses in the whole world. I am so proud of the little person she is becoming.
As for the new baby, I am 14 weeks. I am going for a "fun" ultrasound tomorrow. I am actually going to be an ultrasound "model", and it is not at my doctor's office, so it is just so I can see the little one. There is a chance we will be able to tell what the baby is, but I am not putting much hope into that - - it is still a little early, and if this one is anything like Reese, we won't get any cooperation out of it!
The last week or so, I have started to feel better. No more days of thinking that the nausea would never end. I still don't feel great, but not having to depend on medication to get me through the day is wonderful!!!
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